about us


About Us

Polyplast Nano Materials LLC established during covid Pandemic in year 2020 , Demand of key raw materials supply chain was totally destroyed and badly effected related Industrial segment .

Polyplast Nano Materials LLC have come out with solution to keep inventory of entire range of approved raw materials ( key additives ) not only supply and apply basis .

Company currently targeting Middle East & North Africa Market ( MENA) and focus on PVC addivises / Polymer Addtives / Fire Retrdant Addives / Minerals / and various types key addtives for Plastic, Rubbe,Paint and adhesive industries .

Dear Honourable Valued Customers & Clients,

I express my sincere gratitude for your continued support and understanding. Company roots lie in the founding principle of contributing to society through its business. We have a long and proud history in Middle East. Since its inception, our business concentration was particularly on stock sales . This has made our company a part of leading supplier.

Our priority is our customers, who we believe are at the heart of our existence. Our products suit local needs and desires and ensure that our products are always at the right place and at the right time. Representing only the selected quality global manufacturers is the cornerstone of our success and after-sales service of our products is a non-negotiable priority for us.
We believe, there is more to business than just doing business. To show our commitment to all our stakeholders and increase their trust in our company .
This is a fundamental part of our business strategy and it means we will always comply with Local market set business principles, national laws, and International norms and ensure that our actions are environmentally sound, socially just, and economically viable. For that reason, we will always be responsive to the needs of our communities, and ultimately, our valued customers.
I would like to sincerely thank you, our valued consumers, for your continued support.

Mrs Smita Rani

Chairperson & Founder

B. Sc ( Chem), M. Sc( Env )

Our solutions

energetic services & Solutions

To the all industries from setting up plant to finish products quality approval and selection of right path and sustable solution to supply and apply basis.

Research & Devlopment

Our R & D team always focus on cost effective solution for sustainable future for industries.

Commitment on service

We delivered full knowdge and solution to clients with compared options to chose right products.

Our Team

We have expert chemicals engineers, Polymers technologist, Material and nano technologies from top acedemic background that proudly avaible to serve our client after pre and post sales services.

Long term Relations

Our client treat us as a Partners and we belive this happening due to serve at door step.

vision for the future


To ensure Quality, Health, Safety and Environment is our first consideration during all business activities.

To diversify the Company’s product and service offering to meet regional and international market demands.
To maintain and operate our plant in compliance with international norms and standards thereby minimizing risk to life and property and production downtime.
To create a working environment which provides job satisfaction, the possibility of professional growth and ensures we have maximum employee engagement.
To run our business to ensure we achieve our stakeholders’ financial goals. Continuously seek international brand recognition for our products.
To seek out strategic business/technical partnerships that will assist in accessing as many key markets as possible.


To establish Global Chemical Company as the best-in-class, regionally-located, speciality chemical company.


We operate our business in a sustainable manner, consider the impact of our activities on our local environment and seek to contribute to community and society We place the highest priority on the Health and Safety of our employees and the longevity of our operations


We are committed to the highest ethical standards in our dealings with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders


We listen to and understand our customer requirements. Our innovation and company development is driven by meeting those needs


We believe that teams consistently outperform and provide a working environment of trust, support and cooperation


We treat all employees with respect and work to a comprehensive equal opportunities policy.