Polyplast Nano Materials LLC established during covid Pandemic in year 2020 , Demand of key raw materials supply chain was totally destroyed and badly effected related Industrial segment .
Polyplast Nano Materials LLC have come out with solution to keep inventory of entire range of approved raw materials ( key additives ) not only supply and apply basis .
Company currently targeting Middle East & North Africa Market ( MENA) and focus on PVC addivises / Polymer Addtives / Fire Retrdant Addives / Minerals / and various types key addtives for Plastic, Rubbe,Paint and adhesive industries .
I express my sincere gratitude for your continued support and understanding. Company roots lie in the founding principle of contributing to society through its business. We have a long and proud history in Middle East. Since its inception, our business concentration was particularly on stock sales . This has made our company a part of leading supplier.
To the all industries from setting up plant to finish products quality approval and selection of right path and sustable solution to supply and apply basis.
Our R & D team always focus on cost effective solution for sustainable future for industries.
We delivered full knowdge and solution to clients with compared options to chose right products.
We have expert chemicals engineers, Polymers technologist, Material and nano technologies from top acedemic background that proudly avaible to serve our client after pre and post sales services.
Our client treat us as a Partners and we belive this happening due to serve at door step.
To ensure Quality, Health, Safety and Environment is our first consideration during all business activities.